July, 2016

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Mysteries of Reversing and Defeating Medical Conditions

by David Allen, President, Medical Research Associates

If you’ve been a seeker of alternative cures for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve come across many “secret health information” books that claim to have the cure for everything — from cancer to AIDS, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes,asthma, emphysema … to every health condition in existence.

You may already have discovered — to your dismay — that those books containing a compilation of so-called “miracle cures” seldom live up to their claims and promises. While some of the books do offer honest but misguided information, some are deliberately deceptive. They often make misleading promises that might prove to be more dangerous than beneficial to those who are suffering from pain and disease.

The 2 most important questions you have to ask in order to determine if an alternative “cure” really is a bona fide cure are the following:

  • Are the therapeutic claims based on verifiable scientific research — or mere anecdotes and folklore?
  • Have there been a significant number of cases cured by the alternative treatments presented?

The GOOD NEWS is … there definitely are alternative treatment options available — real cures that successfully treat every disease in existence. And your doctor has probably never heard of them! And yet such alternative treatments and medical breakthroughs are well documented in highly respected scientific research institutions and publications.

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