May, 2011

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Give Thanks

The Spirit of God does not strive in man at all times (strive – make great efforts). This speaks to why hardened Christians do or say the wrong things. So as Christians we must endeavour to have the Spirit of God with us at all times.
The word also tells us that iron sharpeneth iron (the file is made out of iron as is the cutlass or the axe). The file and the cutlass are both tempered differently with different levels of impurity and rigidity, hence one is able to sharpen the other. That’s amazing!
Let us give thanks for the persons in our lives who agitate us to godliness and holiness and righteousness and greatness in Jesus’ name.

Things We Cannot See are Critical

While we can feel pain and stress and can even look at a person and know that they are stressed or feeling pain, none of us can actually see pain or stress. To stretch our thought processes let us think of someone who could be smiling broadly, yet experiencing the greatest of pain (putting the best outside). Or someone could be crying and yet experiencing the greatest joy (tears of joy or it could be the Holy Spirit ministering to the person!).
When the Word of God says “weeping may endure for a night but joy commeth in the morning” or “turning one’s sorrow into dancing”, this is the process by which the pain and agony of our testings are turned into victory and joy of our testimonies.
To extend a bit more, the word of God says that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies. So each time we overcome, it qualifies us to be tested further and to overcome!
Father, in the name of Jesus, your children shall overcome and we will not be defeated. Father, I command that every breach be repaired, that everything that is wrong in the lives of your people be fixed in Jesus name. Hedge around us again Lord in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Learning How to Live with Much or with Little

The word of God instructs us to learn to live with much or to live with little Phil. 4:12 (to abound or to abase). It is much easier to live with much than to live in lack. It is however much more beautiful to live in lack and be contented, to depend on God and not freak out!
The beautiful part of living in lack is when you are able to once again purchase the simple basic things that you have had to do without for months and years. Suddenly they seem to take on added value and the simple things mean more to you now. Thank you Jesus!
God knows that if he gives us in abundance without us knowing the value or the cost, then most likely it will become a mess. It is like salvation without knowing or understanding what Jesus Christ actually did, it is like salvation without conviction, backsliding is easier.
Father, help us that we will not perish. Keep us steatfast in Jesus’ name. Amen

Our Wisdom is Foolishness!

Moses thought that it was impossible to do the job that God had called him to do because he stammered (stutter) so badly, to the extent that God gave him Aaron as a mouthpiece. God did not take the job from Moses as his leadership skills were of far more importance to God than his ability to speak well. How many things have we thought ourselves incapable of doing when God is telling us we can?
Age is not a factor for God, as He deals with our spirit not the flesh. It is us that need to take control of the flesh and put it under subjection. Moses was eighty years old when he started the process of freeing the children of Israel from Pharoah’s control! He then spent another forty years taking them through the wilderness.
My God is able!!
Father, restore unto your children, that which the enemy has stolen, our joy, our peace, our happiness, our marriages, our healing, our deliverance, our finances in Jesus’ name.  Amen.