June, 2011

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We Need to Get it Right

If we do not get it right, we might not reach anywhere. For except the Lord builds the house, he that labours, labours in vain…. How we were brought up, how we were socialized or even our world view can rob us of the independence or openness needed to serve God properly.
Say for instance if we grow up with persons who lie constantly in jest or lie to get themselves out of situations, then we become more accommodating to lies and we might even see it as a navigational tool. In a case like this a lying spirit would have little difficulty using such a person on it’s behalf.
If we have issues of sex, where maybe because of abuse we become addicted to sex as I was in my younger days, then we must confront these situations in our lives and break it with the help of God! You see sexual demons, and especially those of sodomy are extremely hard to get rid of because they bring pleasures to the flesh and the flesh loves pleasure.
God sees all the wrong things in our foundations and tries to remove them but many times we refuse to even allow Him. There is a limit to which we can say “God will understand” because if He is angered sufficiently, He will destroy everything, even di puss an di dawg (the cat and the dog).
If we repent and change our ways, then God will repent also of the things He was about to do. Check out the Jonah story, even the animals were made to fast!
For the most part, we all know what it is we are doing wrong and for the things that we are not seeing now, let us look and listen a bit more intensely.
Father we pray that the hearts will not be hardened, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

That’s When We Pray

How many times have we gone before God to say that effectual fervent prayer and have failed? Tiredness and sleep have gotten the best of us or we just can’t focus. Even when we push, instead of a roar, out comes a whimper!
We drag ourselves along for months until hurricane season. We are threatened with a direct hit and that’s when we pray. It sounds like we are about to loose our roof, and that’s when we pray.
A child who is doing exams is freaking out under the stress, that’s when we pray. We are about to loose a husband or a wife to cancer, that’s when we pray.
Praying to and trusting God through the most difficult times of our lives is never easy, but the more we do it, the easier it becomes and the more at peace we are in the storm.
The very things we reject, God will put us through them and we will have to surrender and trust Him! Would any of us like to drive our vehicle without insurance coverage for months, or having to drive our vehicle for months with the gas mostly below empty, knowing that it could run out of fuel, but trusting God that it will not. And each time fuel is added, the gauge goes up to empty or a little above empty. That’s when we would pray a lot.
Without God stretching us to the limit, we will never know what is possible. Scared? Don’t be, He will never leave us or forsake us. Jesus!… Jesus!… Jesus!.. We love you Lord. Amen.

Be Ye Good Custodians

Father, let our every thought and action be pure and that we will apply them to ourselves liberally in Jesus’ name.
To whom much is given, much is expected and the cattle on a thousand hills is for real, as the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. If we exercise our anointings they will grow, thereby enabling us further.
We accumulate wealth and other possessions in this life by various means. The scriptures says that all good things come from above. The same thing that is meant for good for some people, it is meant for bad for others. For example, wealth to some means helping others and is seen as a vehicle to generally do good, while others see wealth as a means to control and corrupt.
We accumulate things by exercising our faith and by favours from God. We gather together by sheer hard work and perseverance. So should we less care or mistreat the things that we have? No way!!
We have all had to borrow from time to time and that is OK, but there are persons who have perfected the art of borrowing. These persons will not seek to own certain things as long as they can get it to borrow, these persons will borrow the same or similar things for years.
So if we have gone to God and have achieved by faith or by favour, we cannot dishonour God by destroying the very things He has given us, nor can we allow others to destroy them, not even other Christians!!
Bless You my God, my King, my Saviour, Amen.