If you do things the same way all the time, chances are you will continue to get the same results. So if you desire a different result, then try doing them differently.
Ever wondered how your prayers seems ineffective at times or that praying aloud or even praying at all seems very difficult? Then try doing this:-
1) Instead of praying in your mind, pray aloud.
2) Instead of sitting and praying, stand and pray or walk around the room or the house while you pray.
3) Instead of walking clockwise while you pray, try walking counter-clockwise.
4) If you usually pray before you go to bed try and add getting up early to pray.
5) Try praying while driving to work or school through various areas.
6) Add praying while driving home in the evenings.
7) Vary the routes you travel if possible while you continue to pray.
These are some of the ways of confusing the enemy and therefore gaining the upper hand. Don’t be afraid of inviting persons to help you pray over particularly difficult circumstances.
In all things we must exercise wisdom.
In all things we must give thanks.
Bless you Lord, amen.