Bible Studies

In the first line of Hosea 4:6 it states that ” My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge…”. I must point out from the onset that what we do not know can hurt or even destroy us! Getting more of the word of God inside us is critical to how we resist the devil and to eventually overcome him. Whenever we teach about God, the material should be strongly supported in scriptures. I think that it is important to be interactive in our teaching sessions as this allows for differences in perspectives to be brought to the table. Being interactive also allows for the speedy building up of the persons involved.
Persons should be encouraged to read the bible constantly. Apart from reading selective chapters or verses, persons should commit to reading the bible from Genesis to Revelation at least a few times during their lifetime. This help to ensure that all the material in the bible is covered and that a greater understanding of what is being said will occur eg. Romans 1:25-32 and Romans 2:1-8.
At the moment, members of Jagged Edge Ministries try to meet at least once a week for prayer and bible studies.