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Baptism: It’s Importance and What the Scripture Says

1Peter 3:20-21 – Can baptism alone save me?…No

Can I get to Heaven without being baptised? Yes….. St. Luke 23:39-43

Jesus’ Instruction:

  • Matt 28: 18-20 (after resurrection)
  • Mark 16: 15-18 (after resurrection)
  • Luke 24: 45 – 50 (after resurrection)
  • John 3: 3-7 (before resurrection) – speaking of those being born again
  • Acts 1: 4-5 (after resurrection) – Jesus stayed with disciples 40 days
  • We are saved by grace not works; baptism is works – Eph 2: 5-9

Steps I must take to get to Heaven

  1. Must believe that God exist
  2. Must be born again (repentance, forgiveness for ourselves and forgiving others, & baptism) in Jesus Christ’s name.
  3. Must believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God; that He was crucified, buried, resurrected and is seated at the right hand of God the Father.
  4. Love God more than anything else, loving our neighbour as ourselves
  5. Be obedient to God, die daily to the flesh (stop sinning)
  6. Endure to the end.

Jesus Christ has given us the steps to follow Him, so let us use them. This is not to say that He cannot do it another way, He is God. The man who was on the cross beside Him was not baptised but he is in paradise.

So now we know that contrary to what some Christians might think, baptism alone cannot save us as it is only part of the process. The more important part of being born again is that of us repenting for our sins and being forgiven by God. When we are born again, we start a new account with God, a good account. Good works cannot save us but they do become more valuable with the new account.

-Bruce Campbell & David Williams