A Word from Bruce

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A Word from Bruce


Strengthen us

What can I say? ….. Jesus the Son of God went to the cross and was crucified, He died and was buried, was resurrected on the third day, He ascended into heaven and is now seated at the right hand of His father. Jesus is now fully glorified, He waits on His Father to tell Him when to return to this earth to judge and to rule for a thousand years with His saints.
During the entire time when He agonized, just before His crucifixion, there is no record of God speaking to Jesus with his powerfully reassuring voice. God did not have to, Jesus knew the plan!! All the Almighty did was to send an angel to strengthen Jesus.
Strengthen us this day Lord God so we shall endure to the end. Amen.

The Only God

God wants us to love him as the only God, with all of who we are.This means that all idols must go from our lives, should they be persons or things!
God wants us to love each other, by being kind, caring and helpful to others.
Father help us, so that in spite of how we might feel, that we will hear you and do the right things. Father there is a constant battle within us,as much as there is a constant battle in the world. Father we pray that we will give up (sacrifice) the wrong things, the evil, the wickedness, so we can gain that which is more important, more valuable, in Jesus’ name.

Depending on You

There was a time when anyone seen taking food from any social event they attended, would be thought to be greedy. I now know that they could just be seizing the opportunity presented to them by God to feed the family for another day!
When I see persons on the streets with a punctured tyre and without a spare, I use to think that they are careless or worthless. Now I know differently, as I have driven to and from work a few days now with a punctured tyre and not being able to replace it or even to repair it.
Christians who are very poor and therefore lack the basic things in life, tend to have a greater degree of faith and therefore have to depend on God for healing in every instant, as they can’t go to the doctor and for God to send food, etc.
Father please keep your people from falling or from failing in Jesus’ name. You are all things to us Lord and we are depending on you completely. Amen


If you do things the same way all the time, chances are you will continue to get the same results. So if you desire a different result, then try doing them differently.

Ever wondered how your prayers seems ineffective at times or that praying aloud or even praying at all seems very difficult? Then try doing this:-
1) Instead of praying in your mind, pray aloud.
2) Instead of sitting and praying, stand and pray or walk around the room or the house while you pray.
3) Instead of walking clockwise while you pray, try walking counter-clockwise.
4) If you usually pray before you go to bed try and add getting up early to pray.
5) Try praying while driving to work or school through various areas.
6) Add praying while driving home in the evenings.
7) Vary the routes you travel if possible while you continue to pray.
These are some of the ways of confusing the enemy and therefore gaining the upper hand. Don’t be afraid of inviting persons to help you pray over particularly difficult circumstances.
In all things we must exercise wisdom.
In all things we must give thanks.
Bless you Lord, amen.

Strengthen Your People

Job says, “Though He slay me, yet will I praise Him”…….The fire of sanctification is hot, but it is for a season. Hell fire will be for eternity. Help us Lord.

If God has placed you in the land of Pharaoh, then it is because you could become a Joseph !!
Father, I pray that you will send an angel this day to strengthen your people, in each individual situation, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Do Something

The scriptures which says that the wheat and the tare must grow until the day of harvest, is not a suggestion nor an instruction to do nothing about the bad things around us, but is instead a recognition that there will always be good and evil until Jesus Christ returns to this earth.God definitely wants us to do something about every situation that we are in for his kingdom sake.

Father cover us this day,completely….in Jesus’ name, amen.

We Shall Rise Again

We bless you Lord God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, the earth which you have set in motion and kept in perfect balance. God help us to Glorify you with all that we do, all that we say, and all that we are.

Father, keep us from falling as only you can. Help us to walk knowing, that even if we are down at the moment we shall rise again, as it is in our weaknesses that He will Glorify Himself.
Father, cause the enemy to fall by his own evil devises and that every work of deception will be seen and voided in Jesus’ name.

Iron Sharpeneth Iron

Lord we thank you for this day, Your mercies endureth forever. Lord, although you are tough on us at times, we know that it is because you love us.( Iron sharpeneth iron)

Lord, your word says that obedience is better than sacrifice and we know that obedience helps us to accomplish some stuff for you God. Help us God to adopt more of your precepts in Jesus’ name, amen.

Bless you all!

The devil knows exactly what to do to you so that you don’t feel like praying, or that you don’t do the things you should! He even uses our best friends and families!

Father, we come against principalities and powers, against the rulers of darkness, against the wiles of the enemy. Father we pray against deception of all forms in Jesus name. Father we pray that the prince of the air and all his demon followers, including territorial spirits, be bound and cast back to the uttermost parts, the dry and desolate places. Loose your Spirit across Jamaica right now in Jesus’ name. Cause your warriors, your soldiers, to be driven by the Holy Spirit again in Jesus name. Father we bless you and give you thanks in Jesus’ name.

A Prayer

Lord, you are my shepherd so lead me this day.Give me the grace and the courage to forgive those who have trespass against me. Jesus please continue to intercede on our behalf.Abba Father, align all things to your will as you destroy completely every works of Satan. Sanctify your people as you prepare us for the tasks ahead in Jesus name amen.