July, 2012

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Of Circles and Cycles

Man whom God created, is able to think of and made to work, a thing called the Internet. A thing which a few years ago was thought of as impossible. A thing which causes millions of exabytes of information to pass across the globe without being seen by the naked eyes.
Man whom God has created would seek to restrict God to something he can calculate or reason out. If man cannot know all of God’s secrets then it cannot be God. The word says that with God all things are possible.
God did create the earth and set it in perfect motion. Consider the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets known and unknown, created as circles and hung in space which is itself an infinite circle. How they are unfailing in there functions, always where they were placed.
God created the earth and caused it to spin in two different continuous circular motions at the same time, it revolves around the sun while it rotates every 24 hours on it’s axis. So why then is it so difficult to accept that Jesus Christ is still the Son of God while being God at the same time? or that Jesus Christ the Son of God came to earth for the first time in the flesh through the womb of Mary but was also here before the foundations of the world was? And being God, still does not know as yet when He will return to earth to judge and rule with His saints for a thousand years.
Man was created the first cycle, he came from dust and to the dust he will return. Some living things like butterfly, have a much more varied and colourful life cycle. There is the cycle of the seasons which repeats itself every year and brings about the changes in weather that causes fruit trees etc. to produce.
We must always remember that with God all things are possible. Thank You Lord, amen.

Authority and its Effects

Authority is the power to determine, command or control, also it is a power or right delegated or given.
Irrispective of how much authority any person on this earth have, there is always a higher authority. The highest authority in heaven, on earth or under the earth is God. In learning the value of resisting the devil, as shown by the experience of Jesus Christ who having just been to fill up with spiritual fuel (40 days and night fast) was taken and tempted by the devil, we must realize that the devil must have had some authority to do so. Just like with Job, when the Lord invited the devil (gave him the authority) to test Job.
In the animal kingdom, there is this constant show of authority both within and without the various species. There are usually clear lines of authority. Authority is exercised at every level of our human existence and sometimes it has very little to do with our abilities or training but more to do with our zeal to control others and to determine the outcome of things by virtue of our position. So in exercising our authority we can be autocratic or we can be democratic.
In the spiritual realm there is this ranking that takes place and with each rank comes greater or lesser authority. For instance God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, angels, the saints of God etc. or the devil, demons, evil spirits, devil worshippers etc. So a person at work would clearly be outranked by the top boss in the company but that same person could outrank the top boss in the spiritual realm because he is a saint of the Most High God. To put it another way, the authority that we have through Jesus Christ would be far superior to that which the top boss has in the company.
So how can this knowledge we have be used to have dominion over the pharaohs of this world or over principalities, powers, the rulers of darkness, demons and devils? We fast and pray, we intercede, we bind, we loose and we remember that the battle is the Lord’s. The battle is spiritual not physical.
Father, strip away the covering from the enemy, expose him, destroy his works completely, in Jesus Christ’s name, amen.

If the Truth hurts, it should

Have you ever noticed how some persons always seem to take wrong or bad advice easily? It would be easy for us to say that they are gullible but the problem runs much deeper. Some persons will stick to the source that gives them advice that they love to hear but which usually have little or no truth in it. Some persons will go to the extent of avoiding others who will only speak the truth, because it makes them feel uncomfortable or upset.
If the word of God is powerful and quick and sharper than a two edged sword, is it not suppose to make us feel guilty, agitated and uncomfortable when we are in the wrong with God? Is it not suppose to cut?
Years ago i tried to show a pastor his follies, to which he stated that ” he thought that i was his friend”. My response to him was ” i am the best friend you will ever have because i will tell you the truth”. It is sad that seven years after the incident that particular pastor is unrepentant as as stated by him, he was prophesied over that he should reconcile and or recover those persons who have left the church. He has been selective in his attempts to carry out this task and does still pass persons at close range who were once very close to him without saying hello.
There are persons who feel so strongly about being told the truth, that they will try to hurt you. Two similar cases in the bible are :-
1) King Asa and Hanani the prophet 2 Cronicles 16
2) King Jeroboam and the man of God 1 Kings 13
Even in aquiring things like land, house, car, appliances etc. we must seek out the best advice. There are persons around us all the time with the requisite skills, training and experience and who will give us their honest opinion.
Heavenly Father, I pray that we will all tap into the wisdom of persons you have provided and that we will not be confused by foolish persons whom we have given our attention. Lord Jesus please remember the miracles we are believing you for. Father we give you thanks in Jesus Christ’s name amen.

Retribution, real or imagined, now or later?

Retribution is punishment by God that is considered to be morally right and fully deserved. For some christians, retribution does not exist and for others it does but will only affect the individual after death. It is the prerogative of God alone to decide if,when,how or how quickly to bring retribution to a person(s) for angering Him. Persons have taken it unto themselves to exact punishment on others for crimes committed, but this is wrong. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord!!
In 2 Samuel 21:1, David enquired of God as to the reason for the famine and God told him that it was because Saul had killed the Gibeonites. In 1Chronicles 21:14, God was angered by David when he numbered Israel and Judah and although David accessed the better of the three options presented to him by God for the purposes of retribution, seventy thousand men died as a result. Seventy thousand died as a result of the sin by one man, David. God brought judgement to His people quickly!
As Pastors, as leaders we need to be extremely careful not to anger God as this could impact others as well. The God that we serve is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow as well. Father, i pray that none of us will be destroyed for a lack of knowledge, in Jesus Christ name amen.


Every day we must give thanks for being alive, alive to do more work for God, to help somebody, to touch someone’s mind and heart, to pull someone back on the right path, to repair the breach.
We must try to use every spare time to think, to think about God and who He is and what our purposes are for Him. We must think about our own lives to see where we are going wrong and what it is that we need to do to make corrections.
For we are all at different levels in God, because of when we might have started our walk with Him, some of us would have been more obedient than others, some of us would have taken greater care in staying clear of pollutants or in remembering the words we would have spoken to God…… our covenants with Him.
For we are His, the sheep of His pasture and we can neither run or hide from Him. So let us pray that when He would have tested our works with fire, it will stand like gold. Father there is no other God but You and we say thanks again in Jesus Christ name, our risen Lord, amen.