If the Truth hurts, it should

Have you ever noticed how some persons always seem to take wrong or bad advice easily? It would be easy for us to say that they are gullible but the problem runs much deeper. Some persons will stick to the source that gives them advice that they love to hear but which usually have little or no truth in it. Some persons will go to the extent of avoiding others who will only speak the truth, because it makes them feel uncomfortable or upset.
If the word of God is powerful and quick and sharper than a two edged sword, is it not suppose to make us feel guilty, agitated and uncomfortable when we are in the wrong with God? Is it not suppose to cut?
Years ago i tried to show a pastor his follies, to which he stated that ” he thought that i was his friend”. My response to him was ” i am the best friend you will ever have because i will tell you the truth”. It is sad that seven years after the incident that particular pastor is unrepentant as as stated by him, he was prophesied over that he should reconcile and or recover those persons who have left the church. He has been selective in his attempts to carry out this task and does still pass persons at close range who were once very close to him without saying hello.
There are persons who feel so strongly about being told the truth, that they will try to hurt you. Two similar cases in the bible are :-
1) King Asa and Hanani the prophet 2 Cronicles 16
2) King Jeroboam and the man of God 1 Kings 13
Even in aquiring things like land, house, car, appliances etc. we must seek out the best advice. There are persons around us all the time with the requisite skills, training and experience and who will give us their honest opinion.
Heavenly Father, I pray that we will all tap into the wisdom of persons you have provided and that we will not be confused by foolish persons whom we have given our attention. Lord Jesus please remember the miracles we are believing you for. Father we give you thanks in Jesus Christ’s name amen.

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