
Who shall enter into His gates, he that has clean hands and a pure heart!
The precepts of God are all interconnected and are suppose to connect us to Him. The word of God instructs us to give, and it is in that giving that we shall receive. So we should not give and then make demands because we have given! Neither should we expect it.
In the ‘Our Father’ prayer, God instructs that if we do not forgive those who have trespass against us, we should not in fact expect to be forgiven ours against God. So if we are not willing to give then we are in serious trouble.
For there is no greater love than he that would lay down his life for a friend. The question is how much of us would be willing to do this right now? Jesus Christ did!!! He has given the most. How much do we think we can give? Are we willing to give the very thing that we believe is necessary to save our lives, like the woman who gave of her last meal to Elijah and then her miracles came?
Father help us to understand these precepts and apply them to our lives in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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