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The Script

There is a certain script in our mind of how we expect our lives to go. This script includes what we expect of God and the things we expect him to do in our lives (not what he expects of us but what we expect of him).

When the  script does not go according to how we wrote it in our minds, we become frustrated, disillusioned and disappointed, and wonder what God is doing, why is He not doing what is expected of Him? Sometimes we blame God and persons around us for our script not going according to how we wrote it.

We fail to understand that God also has a script written for our lives from before we were even conceived, which is totally different from the one we have  written for ourselves, one which we have no control over, as He is the Author and Finisher of all things.

To live a life that is pleasing to God and to find some sort of peace in this world, that is fast decaying, we need to get rid of the script that we have written for our lives and focus on the one that that Lord has written for us (this can be found in His word, the bible).

If we disregard God’s script for our lives we will become as the children of Israel who disobeyed God and followed their script instead of God’s script, and ended up going around in circles in the wilderness for 40 years, going through unnecessary struggles and tribulations when they could have reached their destination in a much shorter time.

Sometimes when we find ourselves in situations that keep coming up over and over again, we need to examine ourselves and ask the question, am I following my script or God’s script for my life? In coming up with the answer be truthful to yourself, bearing in mind that only you and God know the truth, and while you may lie to yourself and others, you cannot lie to God because He knows.

As the end of time approaches, whether by us dying or the world coming to an end, both are inevitable. Are we really prepared for the life after death? Most persons are preparing themselves for the present life , e.g house, car, health insurance, money in the bank, etc., but what preparation are we making for life after death. This is the most important part of our existence as after death wherever we end up that is where we will spend eternity.

Can you imagine spending eternity in hell? Where there will be constant torment, much worse than what you might think you go through here on earth at times, and there will be no more forgiveness from God there. You would be doomed forever. Thanks to God there is a way out. We can spend eternity with him where there will be no more sorrows, no more pain, no more struggles, no more deaths, a place where peace and joy abound. All we need to do is to follow God’s script and not ours.