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Sex and the Public Schools

Michael Snyder
American Dream
February 25, 2014

You are going to have a hard time believing some of the stuff that you are about to read.  Children in America are being sexualized at younger and younger ages these days, and our public schools play a major role in that.  As you will see below, even kindergarten students are getting naked and trying to have sex with each other in our schools.

Image: Classroom (YouTube).

So where in the world are these kids learning to do this?  Well, it certainly does not help that there is more sex on television and in our movies than ever before.  And it certainly does not help that some of the biggest pop stars on the planet such as Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry are blatantly using sex to sell records to their young fans.  But we can’t place all of the blame on entertainment.  Without a doubt, our schools are playing a major role in sexualizing our children, and most parents have very little understanding about what is actually happening.

As I mentioned above, kindergarten students are actually getting naked and are trying to have “sex” with one another.  That sounds absolutely crazy, but it is true.  In fact, a case that made national headlines recently happened in New Jersey

Kelly Mascio, 43, is facing termination in connection with the incident late last year at Mullica Township Elementary School in southern New Jersey. Mascio, who has taught for more than 15 years, is suspended with pay while a disciplinary process continues.

As detailed in a Mullica Township Police Department report, two of Macsio’s students–both five-years-old–went into an in-classroom bathroom and removed their clothes. When Mascio, pictured at right, subsequently discovered the children–a boy and a girl–they told her they were “having sex,” cops noted.

This is a sign of a very, very sick society.

So where did those poor little children get such a twisted idea?

It could have potentially come from a lot of places, but it certainly does not help that some public school systems are actually teaching kindergarten students about sex.  For example, in Chicago public schools kindergarten teachers are now required to set aside 30 minutes a month for sex education.

Does that trouble you?

It should.

When our kids get a little older, there seems to be very little that is off-limits in their sex education classes.  One father in Kansas recently discovered this the hard way

Mark Ellis says his daughter goes to Hocker Grove Middle School in the Shawnee Mission School District. She was so shocked by what she recently saw on a poster at school, that she took a picture of it home and showed her parents.

Her dad initially assumed it was a student prank, until he called the school and found  it was part of the curriculum.

“Why would you put it in front of 13-year-old students?” he asked.

He thought the poster, which lists things like “oral sex” and “grinding,” might’ve been a prank until he contacted the school principal. He was told it was a teaching material.

You can see a photo of the complete poster right here.  If you live in Kansas, your tax money is going to teach middle school students about “touching each other’s genitals”.

No wonder our country is so messed up.  Just consider the following stats…

-According to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately two-thirds of all Americans in the 15 to 24-year-old age bracket have engaged in oral sex.

-Today, the United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate on the entire planet.

-According to the latest figures released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, there are 20 million new sexually-transmitted infections in the United States every single year, and Americans in the 15 to 24-year-old age range account for approximately 50 percent of those new sexually-transmitted infections.

-At this point, one out of every four teen girls in the U.S. has at least one sexually transmitted disease.

These things did not happen by accident.  They are the consequences of raising our children in such a sexually-charged environment.

Read more…


Top ten REAL medical conspiracies that actually happened

Read and learn the true history the mainstream media is trying to erase!

Top ten TRUE medical conspiracies

#1) Pfizer conducts medical experiments on Nigerian children – In 2009 (and in subsequent years, as follow-up), we reported on how giant drug maker Pfizer was ordered to compensate Nigerian families after conducting illegal medical experimentation that left scores of Nigerian children either deaddamaged:

The case began in 1996, when Pfizer needed a human trial to gain approval for its new antibiotic Trovan. When an epidemic of meningitis, cholera and measles broke out in Kano, Nigeria, the company quickly put together a research team and flew them to that country. Pfizer set up a tent right near the medical station where Doctors Without Borders were giving free treatments and recruited 200 children to participate in an unlicensed drug trial.

Parents say they were not told that proven medications were being distributed only yards away, that their children were being enrolled in a drug trial, or that animal studies had suggested that Trovan could cause liver and joint damage.

Eleven of the 200 children in the study died, and parents claim that others suffered from brain damage, organ failure and other severe side effects.

#2) Illegal price fixing to cheat the American people and state governments out of billions – Apparently, the Big Government / Big Pharma cabal in Washington would have you believe that drug makers only have your best interests in mind, not their profits or power.

In fact, for years drug makers have regularly conspired to engage in illegal price fixing, as evidenced by numerous lawsuits and court. As I previously reported:

In what is now the largest criminal fraud settlement ever to come out of the pharmaceutical industry, GlaxoSmithKline has pleaded guilty and agreed to pay $1 billion in criminal fines and $2 billion in civil fines following a nine-year federal investigation into its activities.

According to U.S. federal investigators, GlaxoSmithKline:

• Routinely bribed doctors with luxury vacations and paid speaking gigs
• Fabricated drug safety data and lied to the FDA
• Defrauded Medicare and Medicaid out of billions
• Deceived regulators about the effectiveness of its drugs
• Relied on its deceptive practices to earn billions of dollars selling potentially dangerous drugs to unsuspecting consumers and medical patients

And this is just the part they got caught doing. GSK doesn’t even deny any of this. The company simply paid the $3 billion fine, apologized to its customers, and continued conducting business as usual.

#3) Vaccine manufacturers knew their vaccines were killing people – One of Merck’s top developers knew that the company’s polio vaccines were heavily contaminated with carcinogenic viruses. The scientist, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, can be heard discussing it in this shocking video.

He and other “scientist” colleagues are actually heard on the recording laughing about the fact that the stealth viruses would kill people. The mainstream media has never reported on this important piece of medical history because it would expose the truth about vaccines.

#4) Merck falsified vaccine evidence – A pair of former virologists publicly claimed that the company conspired to commit vaccine research fraud through the spiking of human blood samples with animal antibodies. As we reported in 2012:

The former Merck virologists contend that the multivalent mumps component has a vastly reduced efficacy which is directly responsible for mumps outbreaks during the last decade which prompted international calls for MMR booster shots every 4 – 8 years…

By combining the very low levels of human antibodies with animal antibodies, a much higher total level of virus neutralization was obtained than could occur from human antibodies alone. The human antibody levels alone would never protect in the real world against wild mumps. But after adding animal antibodies, the human blood samples which had previously failed under the old “gold standard” testing were retested using the “enhanced” protocols and passed with flying colors. New ‘enhanced’ tests showed 100% efficacy, not against wild mumps virus, but against the mumps vaccine virus.

#5) U.S. government collusion to commit medical murder – In what should shock all Americans to learn, the government-funded National Institutes of Health and a number of drug companies conspired to conduct illegal medical experiments on prisoners held in Guatemalan jails. President Obama was actually forced to issue a public apology for this atrocity more than sixty years after it took place. As Natural News previously reported:

The U.S. government knowingly funded and deliberately engaged in criminal medical experiments against Guatemalan prisoners from 1946 – 1948, and that the people engaged in these crimes were then promoted to high levels of influence in the medical community.

At least 5,500 people were drafted into the experiments, including children, women and the mentally ill. The number deliberately infected with sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) exceeded 1,300 (that we know of).

Victims were not even informed they were being infected with STDs. The entire experiment was a clandestine operation involving an admitted conspiracy between Big Pharma and the U.S. government. Undeniable evidence has now emerged that the doctors and medical researchers involved in the experiment actively took steps to hide what they were doing.

#6) Conspiracy to label toxic chemicals “fluoride” and get the public to drink them – It is an historical fact that the fluoride and dental industries have conspired to mislead people into believe “fluoride” is a naturally occurring substance. The fact is, the fluorine compounds used in the public water supply are really byproducts of fertilizer processing or phosphate mining operations, and they often contain heavy metals.

Even many mainstream scientists now conclude that fluoride lowers IQs and damages the brain function of children. So why are we still being told that fluoride is a “public health measure” that helps everyone?

Attend any city council or other government agency deciding on whether or not to fluoridate your local water supply, and you’ll get health officials asserting that fluoride is natural, and thus safe. They don’t bother to mention that naturally occurring fluoride is calcium fluoride, while the stuff purchased by communities to fluoridate their water is sodium fluoride, an extremely toxic mix of hexafluorosilicic acid and sodium silicofluoride.

#7) GMO deceptions, lies and poisons – Without question, one of the true “conspiracy theories” is that GMO foods are responsible for a wide range of health problems. We have published numerous articles and studies claiming as much, but the government-industry cabal, led by bio-agriculture giant Monsanto, still somehow insists that these Frankenfoods are 100 percent safe even though they are repeatedly linked to organ damage, stomach inflammation, infertility problems and more.

The mainstream media wants you to believe that you are a “conspiracy theorist” if you believe in biochemical cause and effect. Don’t worry, Monsanto loves you! And so do pesticide companies, whose chemicals are so safe that you should be eating them for breakfast!

#8) Academic suppression of important medical research – When good science gets published that questions the safety of GMOs, vaccines or fluoride, it gets routinely suppressed. That’s exactly what happened to University of Caen molecular biology researcher Professor Gilles-Eric Seralini, whose two-year study into the effects of GMO corn on rats was (and continues to be) vilified by the establishment scientific community, which is entirely beholden to corporate financial influence. As Natural News reported:

Before many could recover from the shock of seeing rats fed GMO corn with huge tumors, the mainstream press was already reporting scientists who claimed the French study was flawed.

Ironically, a similar study of much shorter duration, 90 days, is what got Monsanto’s NK 603 Roundup tolerant GMO maize (corn) and Roundup herbicide approved by the EFSA in the first place.

Seralini merely extended the study using the same type of rats to determine the toxic effects of feeding them GMO corn for two years. He also added a glyphosate herbicide solution into their drinking water at a level approved as safe for Roundup’s water contamination.

Meanwhile, Dr. Arpad Pusztai was a highly regarded UK biology researcher at the prestigious Rowett Institute, a Scottish nutritional laboratory. He was awarded a grant to establish a safety protocol for GMO foods with his 20-member research team.

He never expected to find anything wrong with the GMO potatoes studied, but he did. Within days of publishing the team’s findings, he was dismissed from the position he had held for decades.

#9) The massive academic fraud and conspiracy to discredit Dr. Andrew Wakefield by spreading provably false lies about his research – There has been a massive, organized “scientific” conspiracy to discredit Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the researcher who examined the effects of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines in children. Though his research never claimed that vaccines cause autism, he is routinely defamed and disparaged by an endless list of intellectually dishonest scientists and journalists who falsely claim Dr. Wakefield linked vaccines to autism. In fact, his research was actually focused on gastrointestinal effects of the vaccines in children, but he was attacked nonetheless:

Contrary to what the UK’s General Medical Council (GMC), BMJ, Brian Deer, and the host of whoring media outlets continue to claim, Dr. Wakefield’s original study was a case series that made no actual claims about a definitive link between MMR and autism. And the observations, which do happen to suggest a link between MMR and autism regression, are not just unique to Dr. Wakefield’s research. Professor Walker-Smith and Dr. Amar Dhillon together documented their own independent research that also points to a link between MMR vaccine and autism.

Watch the powerful interview with Dr. Wakefield here:…

#10) Local governments routinely conspire to with medical institutions to threaten parents and children – Local government “authorities” routinely conspire with the medical industry to force parents to vaccinate their children or subject them to harsh medical treatment against their will. This is all done essentially at gunpoint (or by threat of arrest and imprisonment, which is enforced at gunpoint).

– In Ohio, a court forced the parents of an Amish girl to undergo poisonous chemotherapy:…. As Natural News published:

This is, essentially, chemotherapy at gunpoint or what I call “predatory medicine.” If the parents refuse the court order, they will be arrested at gunpoint and charged with various crimes. The Akron Children’s Hospital, which stands to profit from this decision, is the new medical mafia, poisoning children with mandatory “life sentences” handed down by a corrupt, medically ignorant justice system.

– Katie Wernecke, a teenage cancer patient who was kidnapped by Texas authorities and forced to submit to chemotherapy, is another victim of the system. Her parents were arrested and subjected to actions by Child Protective Services, who took Katie away. This all happened because Katie’s parents refused to subject their daughter to chemotherapy and wanted to pursue safer, more natural holistic medical therapies.

– Abraham Cherrix is a 16-year old cancer patient who also refused a second round of chemotherapy after the first round nearly killed him. His doctor was outraged that Abraham would refuse chemotherapy and called Child Protective Services who had Abraham’s parents arrested at gunpoint. CPS then took over joint custody of the child and attempted to force the teen to submit to barbaric cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy.

See the TRUE history of medical experiments conducted on blacks, babies, prisoners and soldiers

Want to learn even more true medical conspiracies? Nearly every entry in the following two stories is a conspiracy committed against living people, many of whom died as victims of these government-pharma conspiracies:

Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-1965)…

Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1965-2005)…

Yet more TRUE medical conspiracies and government collusion

If you still doubt there is collusion between the government and the corporate medical establishment, I leave you with these alarming statistics, courtesy of The Economic Collapse Blog:

– U.S. healthcare expenditures in 2009 ($4.5 trillion) were higher than the entire gross domestic product of Great Britain (…). This is by design to extract as much money from the U.S. economy as possible while keeping the population diseased and impoverished.

– In 1980, total health care costs accounted for 9.5 percent of all personal consumption; by 2011, that amount rose to 16.3 percent (…)

– Medical bills factor in more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies (…)

– In the last 10 years, health insurance premiums have risen three times faster than wages (…)

– Top executives at the five biggest for-profit insurance companies in the U.S. combined to earn north of $200 million in 2009 (…)

– Even as Americans were mired in the Great Recession, health insurance companies bolstered profits by 56 percent (in 2009, the same year more than 2 million lost private coverage) (…)

– Each year nearly a million people are rushed to emergency rooms following adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs (…).

– In 2009, there were an astonishing 1,742 prescription drug recalls (…)

– The legal system is also bumping up costs; one recent study found that lawsuits and other legal actions added more than $55 billion to national healthcare costs in 2008 (

– Big Pharma spends tens of billions each year in marketing and advertising; who wants to lose out on that gravy train? The industry, in fact, spends more money on advertising than on R&D.


Genetic Engineering Actually INCREASES Pesticide Use

Washington’s Blog
January 27, 2014

One of the main selling points forgenetically engineered crops is that they would use substantially less pesticides than conventional crops.

Image: Genetic Engineering (Wikimedia Commons).

Because of that, and other, promises regarding GE crops, they have taken over much of the food crops in America. For example:

  • Monsanto reports that – between

Farmers File Lawsuit to Protect Themselves Against Monsanto

Monsanto would have you believe that their seeds cause no risk to modern agriculture, that they are simply trying to provide the best products to feed the world. But, both in the lab and in the fields, we’ve seen this to be far from true. Worse, GMOs are contaminating conventional fields, and leaving some farmers with no choice as to what they grow. This has led to numerous farmers joining forces, filing lawsuits against Monsanto to protect themselves.

Farmers are trying to protect themselves from contamination and lawsuits from patented GMO seeds blowing into their fields. Credit: Takkk via Wiki

Farmers are trying to protect themselves from contamination and lawsuits from patented GMO seeds blowing into their fields. Credit: Takkk via Wiki

Recently, the Public Patent Foundation filed a brief with the high court of the land in an effort to protect these farmers. The case, Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA) vs. Monsanto, was thrown off track earlier this year by an Appellate Court ruling in favor of the seed giant. Now, organic and conventional family farmers are hoping the Supreme Court will grant them the right to protect their crops and their livelihood from contamination and legal action by Monsanto.

The OSGATA is not only concerned about what might happen to their crops if they are contaminated with GM pollen from neighboring Monsanto fields, but whether the corporation will sue them for patent infringement. The company says it won’t. But, they’ve done it before.

Read more:

Elizabeth Renter
January 8, 2014

What the Bible Says About Money (Shocking)

Most people know Sean Hyman from his regular appearances on Fox Business, CNBC, and Bloomberg Television, but what they don’t know is that Sean is a former pastor, and that his secret to investing is woven within the Bible.

Perhaps that can explain why, despite his uncanny ability to predict precise moves in the stock market, Sean is often laughed at for his unique stance on investing.

For example . . . a few months ago Sean appeared on Bloomberg Television. At that time, Best Buy (BBY) was dropping to all-time lows of $16 a share. Sean predicted the stock could go down to $11 a share, and would then quickly rebound to $25 per share, and after that would rally to $40 per share over the next year.

Another commentator on the show actually mocked Sean for his stance, saying “$40 on Best Buy? If that’s the case Apple (AAPL) is going to $1,500. That’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!” (Editor’s Note: At the time, Apple was trading at $650 per share).

Within a few weeks, Sean would receive the last laugh.

Best Buy dropped down to $11.20 a share and has since rebounded to $30 a share, continuing its path to $40 . . . exactly as Sean predicted. (Ironically, Apple has dropped down to about $400 per share).

During a recent private dinner with Sean, once he’d blessed the food, I wasted no time asking him what his secret is for investing so successfully.

I expected Sean to say that it was his years of experience at Charles Schwab or perhaps one of the complicated algorithms he uses for timing the stock market.

So when Sean responded that his secret to investing was the Bible, I was thoroughly shocked.

Yes, I knew Sean was a Christian (anyone who spends more than 1 minute with him will pick that up!). However, people usually keep their faith separate from things like . . . investing.

But not Sean.

For Sean, the Bible is his FOUNDATION for investing.

He explained to me how there is actually a “Biblical Money Code” woven into Scripture.

Sean says it is this Biblical Money Code that took him from making a mere $15,000 a year to now giving away up to $50,000 a year. Sean also credits this code with helping him turn his father’s $40,000 retirement account into $396,000.

Certain investment titans, Sean says, such as Warren Buffett and John Templeton, have already used this code to amass billions.

What Sean had to say impressed me so much that I asked him to put a presentation together that reveals how anyone could use this “Biblical Money Code.” (Click here to watch it now)

I’ve personally watched this presentation several times and it is already spreading virally.

During the video, Sean uses the teachings of King Solomon, Jesus of Nazareth, and the Apostle Paul to show how anyone can get out of debt . . . make sound investments . . . and morally build substantial wealth.

Sean even reveals a “debilitating ‘financial sin’ that blinds many . . . and could be costing you up to 41% of your life savings at this very moment.” What’s so deceiving about this sin is how innocent and safe it appears at first.

And at the end, he finishes up with his “12-12-12 plan for investing.” This is a simple step-by-step plan to go from being a saver, to an investor, to a philanthropist.

Click Here to Watch Sean’s Presentation, ‘The Biblical Money Code’

Article Source:

10 Chemical Weapons Attacks Washington Doesn’t Want You to Talk About

It lacks the moral authority. We’re talking about a government with a history of using chemical weapons against innocent people far more prolific and deadly than the mere accusations Assad faces from a trigger-happy Western military-industrial complex, bent on stifling further investigation before striking.
Here is a list of 10 chemical weapons attacks carried out by the U.S. government or its allies against civilians..

Read the rest at :

Christians, Greasecans, and Potential Christians

Click the link below to view contents of this article:

Christians,greasecans,and potential christians

What I Have Learnt

Written by Tajhia Campbell

A Christian since, December 2005.

Bible Citations by Bruce Campbell

February 7, 2010


I have learnt that there is a great power in this universe, one that is responsible for many unexplainable wonders. However, many have ceased to acknowledge this, including scientists who try to comprehend, prove and explain; to unlock the secrets of this world, but after presenting their findings will later on discover something else that disproves their theory. So why not tap into the source itself, this greater power often referred to as God (and for others, Jehovah, Yaweh, Father, etc.)?  Isaiah 43: 10-13, Matthew 13: 10-17, Phil 2:10, Psalms 90: 2

I have learnt from reading the Bible, my experiences and the experiences of others, that God is the creator of the world, including mankind, good, evil and everything known to man. I wondered, why make evil, why didn’t he kill Lucifer instead of throwing him onto the earth? Because if he did, there wouldn’t have been temptation to Adam and Eve and the world would probably be different.  Genesis 1: 1, 1Samuel 16: 15


I have learnt that a part of the package of life that God has given us is Free Will or Choice. Why? You are God, why should these inferior beings be given a choice? Just do what you command or die! Well, if that was the case I know I would be dead already.  1 Corinthians 7:37


I have learnt that there are 3 things that are really important to God: Obedience, Faith and Loyalty. The last 2, Faith and Loyalty cannot be achieved by force, because it comes from the heart. If you threaten someone to love you, they’ll do it out of fear not from their hearts and what would be the sense in that? Where would be the joy or fulfillment in that? Therefore God allows us choice, you either love him or you don’t and there is no in between either.  Romans 10:17, 1Samuel 15:22, Habakkuk 2: 4, Hebrews 11:6, Romans 2:22, 2Corinthians 10: 4-6


I have learnt that many people say they love God, but do they really? When you really love another human being, there is nothing you wouldn’t do for them, there is no favor too great to ask, you would stand up for them, try to please or make them happy and if push comes to shove, you would even die for them. Do you think that is the kind of love people have for God? No, not for most. They think just saying it and holding a one or two meditation is all there is to it, but they still live the dirty, sinful lifestyle. Matthew  10:37 – 39, Romans 1:26-32


I have learnt that if you are living a life not pleasing to God, you will suffer dire consequences. There are persons who acknowledge God but they can’t commit because they’re not ready as they have things to fix. Well…time waits for no man, you could die in an instant and then it would be too late, better yet, God is coming for the world when you least expect it. Do you think at that point you can say to God, ‘Please God, I was going to commit to you but I was trying to change certain things first, because I don’t want to mess up’? Well, the minute you delayed was where you messed up. Accept Jesus and let God help you fix your life! You cannot do it on your own and if you think you can, you are foolish, because without Jesus you are vulnerable to evil and it will consume you. God cannot be in full control of your life unless you surrender your soul to him.  2Corinthians 4:3-4, 2Corinthians 5:16-17, Malachi 4:1-3


I have learnt that your body is the temple of the Lord. It belongs to him and your duty is to keep it in order. Your temple (body) may look beautiful on the outside but inside it is filthy, full of darkness and detestable things. Your external environment is what places these things there, so you have to be careful what you see (also things you watch), hear (things you listen to, people or music) or allow to enter your body (whether spiritually or sexually). There are times you cannot control what you see or hear, making it hard to keep clean. Sometimes it is our own lust or desires or unwillingness to let go off certain things. But if you want Jesus in you, you have to let go and let go now, not tomorrow, not next week or next year, but now! Now is what you are sure about, now is when you are still alive and is able to repent and give your life to God! 1Corinthians 3:16 – 17, James 1:14-15


I have learnt that whatever is on the inside will come out through your words and actions. So if you have filthy, impure or evil thoughts or manifestations within you, you will speak it (lies, foul language, harsh hurtful words) or act it (kill, fight, hurt, deceive, fornicate, lust, neglect). You cannot please God unless you purge yourself of these things. Bad habits are the hardest to get rid of, but if you take it one step at a time, eg. trying to avoid doing it daily, then monthly… until it goes away. Unfortunately, if it is something you deeply desire, the devil will use it to tempt you, but you must never give up. Examine yourself and identify the things you know are displeasing to God, even the things you don’t wish to give up and start developing strategies to change these things.  Matthew 12:34-36


I have learnt that you cannot be a Christian or follow the way of Christ unless you are convicted in your spirit to do so, otherwise you will fail and also mislead others. If you involve yourself or get attached to someone who does not share your beliefs you will lose your way and even get hurt. Even if they admire your ways, they cannot live their lives as you the believer until they understand and accept the reasons for doing so. Show them the way and wait for them to understand and make the change.  1Corinthians 2: 12, 2Corinthians 6:14-16


I have learnt to accept and trust the bible for what it is and for the truth it can reveal with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is used and known by both good and evil for its power. Various churches, cults or organizations use various excerpts from the bible as it suits their needs. Men do not hold such power only God. If the men who wrote the bible were not under God’s influence then the word would have no power against spiritual beings, whether good or evil. Spiritual beings do not answer to man, but to God and those who walk in the authority of God or His son Jesus Christ. So seek God’s guidance when reading this book (the Bible) so that you may understand its true meaning, especially for things that are hard to digest. 1Corinthians 2:13– 16,  John 14:26, 2Timothy 3:16


I have learnt that there is a spiritual realm that is a replica of the world we see and live in. Whatever happens there happens here and vice versa. There are spirits of the air that act on the words from your mouth. You ought to be careful what you say. If you’re the type to criticize, wish bad for others, speak negatively or just talk anything that comes to your mouth, without considering the effects to others and yourself…be careful, the tongue is a very powerful weapon and if used recklessly can cause serious damage. Sounds like crap?…tough luck!  Ephesians 2:2, 1Thessalonians 2:18, 1Corinthians 6:16-17


I have learnt that there are evil spirits manifested or recruited by the devil which he commands, whether on his own or in the aid of evil doers. The devil imitates the power of God which often deceives people. He does not have the power to create man but can destroy or impersonate. He also knows the word of God and can twist it around to deceive. That is why each person needs to know and understand the word of God for himself and not depend on pastors, because a pastor is human and can be used by Satan. Put your full trust in no man but in God.  Matthew 4:1–10, Psalms 91:11–12, 2Timothy 2:2


I have learnt that in order to change, you may have to change your environment or the people around you. In other words, you have to step out of your comfort zone. How can you prosper if you are surrounded by negativity, bad influence, persons with no ambition, lacks vision and provides no support? You are going to feel restricted. In order to grow and spread your wings, you have to have the space, freedom and support. Take a plant, for example, if it doesn’t have its own space, the other surrounding plants will overshadow it and prevent it from getting the required sunshine for a healthy growth, but on its own plot of land it has its freedom and the farmer providing support by fertilizing and removing weeds, thereby increasing growth. So, do you have your space, do you have the freedom to let the light of God shine upon you, where is your support? A plant cannot fertilize and weed itself, so don’t ever think you can fix all your problems on your own, ask for help! 2Corinthians 6:17-18


I have learnt that God puts people in our lives to help us along but sometimes we do or say things to push them a way and then we wonder why our lives are so miserable. Sometimes God provides us with opportunities but because we have our focus on the wrong things we lose it. However not many people get second chances, so if you see the possibility of one, go for it, and don’t just sit in depression and let things pass by. If you want something, go for it. Don’t give up and say it makes no sense. Discover what you have to do to get it done and with the help of God try your best to get things on track. Philippians 2:12


I have learnt so many things, I could probably write a book. Never-the-less, I ask God to increase my wisdom and faith and to continue to stay on the right path regardless of the sacrifices. For those who don’t have Jesus I pity them and pray God has mercy on their soul, because without Jesus they live recklessly and is headed towards destruction.

FBI begins installation of $1 billion face recognition system across America

Birthmarks, be damned: the FBI has officially started rolling out a state-of-the-art face recognition project that will assist in their effort to accumulate and archive information about each and every American at a cost of a billion dollars.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has reached a milestone in the development of their Next Generation Identification (NGI) program and is now implementing the intelligence database in unidentified locales across the country, New Scientist reports in an article this week. The FBI first outlined the project back in 2005, explaining to the Justice Department in an August 2006 document (.pdf) that their new system will eventually serve as an upgrade to the current Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) that keeps track of citizens with criminal records across America .

“The NGI Program is a compilation of initiatives that will either improve or expand existing biometric identification services,” its administrator explained to the Department of Justice at the time, adding that  the project, “will accommodate increased information processing and sharing demands in support of anti-terrorism.”

“The NGI Program Office mission is to reduce terrorist and criminal activities by improving and expanding biometric identification and criminal history information services through research, evaluation and implementation of advanced technology within the IAFIS environment.”

The agency insists, “As a result of the NGI initiatives, the FBI will be able to provide services to enhance interoperability between stakeholders at all levels of government, including local, state, federal, and international partners.” In doing as such, though, the government is now going ahead with linking a database of images and personally identifiable information of anyone in their records with departments around the world thanks to technology that makes fingerprint tracking seem like kids’ stuff.


Read the rest on Alex Jones’ INFOWARS.COM – Source:

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