Farmers File Lawsuit to Protect Themselves Against Monsanto

Monsanto would have you believe that their seeds cause no risk to modern agriculture, that they are simply trying to provide the best products to feed the world. But, both in the lab and in the fields, we’ve seen this to be far from true. Worse, GMOs are contaminating conventional fields, and leaving some farmers with no choice as to what they grow. This has led to numerous farmers joining forces, filing lawsuits against Monsanto to protect themselves.

Farmers are trying to protect themselves from contamination and lawsuits from patented GMO seeds blowing into their fields. Credit: Takkk via Wiki

Farmers are trying to protect themselves from contamination and lawsuits from patented GMO seeds blowing into their fields. Credit: Takkk via Wiki

Recently, the Public Patent Foundation filed a brief with the high court of the land in an effort to protect these farmers. The case, Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA) vs. Monsanto, was thrown off track earlier this year by an Appellate Court ruling in favor of the seed giant. Now, organic and conventional family farmers are hoping the Supreme Court will grant them the right to protect their crops and their livelihood from contamination and legal action by Monsanto.

The OSGATA is not only concerned about what might happen to their crops if they are contaminated with GM pollen from neighboring Monsanto fields, but whether the corporation will sue them for patent infringement. The company says it won’t. But, they’ve done it before.

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Elizabeth Renter
January 8, 2014

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