Enjoy Your Testings

Our lives on this earth will never be perfect but can always be made better. Ever notice how as soon as we fix one situation, another one arises? The initial reaction is usually one of rejection which leads to miserableness and stress. The sooner we accept any given situation as is and start looking for solutions, the quicker we will come out of them. Stress cripples the mind and body and therefore makes a solution less likely.
We must try to see each situation in our lives as a test which we must overcome. Though it is difficult, let us try to enjoy each test…. The word of God says that He chasteneth whomever He loves! So, is not wicked God wicked, it is because He loves us. Why do we chastise our own children?
Just as how God uses the things physical (parables) to teach us of the things spiritual, He uses our relationship with our children to show us the relationship He wants to have with us.
Father we thank you for every test that You have ever put us through, although we fear and we tremble. Father we pull the courage and thank You now in Jesus name, amen.

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