Getting Rid of Demons

Let Your people be not destroyed for a lack of knowledge in Jesus Christ name, protect their minds, cover them completely as You edify in Jesus Christ name, amen.
Video of demonic possession:
After watching a youtube clip of a deliverance service in Nigeria, I thought again about demonic possessions and how the devil will use such persons to destroy the lives of other persons and even churches. Some points from the clip to note are :-
1) that in that instant, possession started from before the birth of the child and continued afterwards ( that is why it is important to pray for the unborn child so God can be in control of it from in the womb).
2) that the manifestation took place during the service when the man of God tried to pray for the person.
3) why was the delivered man instructed or allowed to burn the dead chicken and the remaining witchcraft items which caused him to be struck by the dumb and deaf spirits? The burning should have been done by someone else.
4) it must be noted how sustained persistence is used when deliverance is carried out.
Back in the year 2005, a woman started exhibiting strange behaviour during a praise and worship session one Sunday morning at a church I use to attend. Her action was that of a slow gyration while walking up to the alter and back down the isle, while constantly attacking the Pastor verbally. I prayed earnestly with the help of some brethren during this attack. I attempted to lay my hands on the lady which she did not allow. The sad thing for me was that during all that was taking place, the Pastor pretended not to see or understand what was happening and therefore offered no assistance or leadership in dealing with the situation. I can now say that my attempt to deal with the situation at the time was weak and inadequate.
Not all of us would have been predestined, called or sent. Not all of us will be given the same gift(s) or levels of anointing but for those of us whom God have purposed in a particular or peculiar way, we must learn to engage as we travail and travel along. Romans 8:21-23
For if you were chosen to be a soldier of Jesus Christ then I pray for great courage, strength and endurance in Jesus Christ name. A soldier should never be feeble or faint hearted. 2 Timothy 2:1-4

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