Jesus was not always meek

Most of us would have grown up believing that Jesus did not and would not hurt anyone and that He was always meek. The bible tells us in Numbers 12:3, that Moses was more meek than anyone on earth at the time but he got into trouble with God when he got angry at the waters of Meribah, Deut.32:51. Anger can be good if channelled correctly, for example:- 1) In defence of someone who is being abused, 2) In dealing with the devil or his nominees. For sure, you cannot be meek with a stubborn demon!

A few days after completing His first miracle, Jesus who was full of zeal, went into the temple at Capernaum and chase persons and animals out of the temple using a scourge which He had made ( a scourge is a wip used for severe punishment ). The Jews tried to rebuke Jesus, thinking that He had set a bad example! St. John 2:12-18. God will allow His people to take strong action if the situation warrants it. How many times have we taken the quiet route when we needed to have spoken up against abuse or against some form of injustice? The good Samaritan did not just “pray about it” when he saw the injured man by the roadside, he took the man to the inn and ensured that he was looked after. Caring for the destitute is not just about praying. And yes, God wants us to help the old lady across the street or to take her bags up the road if that is what is required to help her along.

Bruce, 19th Feb 2014.

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