Principles, morality and our conscience are what guide our thought process but especially our actions. Persons believe that there are no absolutes in this life, except for death. So it is with this in mind that I will explore two subjects; that of the jobs that we take or not take, and the need to carry a weapon to protect ourselves.

Our qualifications or our professional area of studies does not necessarily determine which company we work for, or even in which country we work. Many Christians will not take up a job offer in a place of gambling, a bar, as entertainment coordinators in hotels or a whorehouse, although some do and justify it by saying they have to survive. The question is where do we draw the line?

We draw the line where we have made up our minds to draw it. The line is the standard that is in all our lives, and this standard can either be raised or lowered. We can, for example, decide to please God more by making up our minds not to steal, not to lie or to corrupt others, or be corrupted ourselves. We would then have raised the standard in our own lives. Many persons are cautious of raising the standard, as they feel that by so doing, they may become targets, as they decide not to accept bribes or a corrupt gift.

I have made up my mind not to accept certain jobs or gifts, no matter how hard it gets, unless God says I am to accept. My standard includes not telling lies or to take things unless it is given, even if these are considered insignificant.

In the year 2003, at the age of forty three, I became a born again christian (repented and was baptized) and my awareness of God has increased dramatically, as I read the Word, fasted and prayed. Prior to this, I always drove around with a sharpened cutlass to protect myself and my family. I would also go to sleep with the cutlass underneath my bed. All of this stopped after reading some of the following scriptures: 1) Matt. 16:25, “For whosoever shall save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it.” 2) Hebrews 11:6, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him (God).” 3) James 2:26, “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”

I have learnt and lived through absolute faith. Absolute faith happened in my case when every dollar from my finances dried up, and everybody around me who could or would normally help, could not! The tyres on my vehicle needed replacing, one tyre was punctured with no money to repair it, while another tyre was leaking. On numerous occasions my fuel light would come on, and I would have to travel for approximately twenty miles before I could access fuel. I had no choice but to believe that God would see me through.

I have made up my mind to serve God without having to carry around a weapon for protection, so I know that I have to pray to God constantly for His covering and protection and to believe that He will. I believe that persons who carry a weapon, will always reach for that weapon first rather that saying a prayer to God, when they come under attack. All of us at some point will get to chose whether to carry a weapon or to take a job that compromises our Christianity.

If I force anything on anyone it becomes a sin, no matter how good I consider it to be. All the revelations that I have had, all my testimonies, I will always present and allow persons to decide.

Through His word, God does present more than one solution for a given situation. Two examples would be, 1) giving us the prescription for the born again experience, as that we should repent and be baptized, John 3:3-7, but Jesus received the thief on the cross beside Him during His crucifixion, into paradise, without him being baptized, Luke 23:39-43. 2) Paul instructs that it is better to marry than to burn, 1Cor.7:9, while presenting a higher calling, 1Cor.7:34-35, of keeping ourselves unto God by remaining unmarried while serving Him.

Finally brethren, some things will come down to choice. Jesus told His disciples in Luke 22:36, that if any of them did not have a sword then he should sell his garment and buy one. Conversely, in Matthew 26:52, Jesus admonishes that” all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword”. I personally believe that our faith in God should encourage us to stop carrying weapons to protect ourselves. Be reminded that a large percentage of persons who carry a gun are killed, and their guns taken when they come under attack.

Bruce Campbell

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