Isaiah 5... | Isaiah 58... | James 1...

Baptism: It’s Importance and What the Scripture Says

1Peter 3:20-21 – Can baptism alone save me?…No Can I get to Heaven without being baptised? Yes….. St. Luke 23:39-43 Jesus’ Instruction: Matt 28: 18-20 (after resurrection) Mark 16: 15-18 (after resurrection) Luke 24: 45 – 50 (after resurrection) John 3: 3-7 (before resurrection) – speaking of those being born again Acts 1: 4-5 (after resurrection) – Jesus stayed withRead the rest of this page »

God’s Promises are Sure! (Both Good and Bad)

Isaiah 58: 6-12. God instructs that if we fast correctly, feed the hungry, give shelter and clothes to those without, then when we call out to Him, He will answer quickly. He will guide us and exalt us. God promised land to the Jews and He delivered. If they were obedient the journey would have been much less. 2 SamuelRead the rest of this page »

The Script

There is a certain script in our mind of how we expect our lives to go. This script includes what we expect of God and the things we expect him to do in our lives (not what he expects of us but what we expect of him). When the  script does not go according to how we wrote it inRead the rest of this page »

JCHS Newsletter June 2014

View: JCHS newsletter June 2014


12-year-old Wisconsin girl stabbed 19 times; friends arrested (CNN) — They thought they had something to prove to someone they found on a ghoulish website, police say. So, two girls lured a third girl into a wooded area in Waukesha, Wisconsin, over the weekend and stabbed her 19 times, according to authorities. The suspects allegedly left the victim to crawl toRead the rest of this page »

PSA Test for Prostate Cancer is Problematic

The standard PSA (prostate specific antigen) test was approved by the FDA in 1994. Each year millions of men are screened via a blood test for the PSA antigen which is created by the prostate gland. For many men this is when the serious life threatening trouble begins. Early aggressive allopathic prostate cancer treatment can and does cause permanent damage includingRead the rest of this page »

The Beginning of Our Walk With God (Part 2)

So we have started our walk with God and we have committed to reading specific portions of the word at specific times with the help of the Holy Spirit ( “seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and He will add….). The sins we do, have now started to make us feel uncomfortable, so we adjust onRead the rest of this page »

Declaring Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham…. You were conceived and brought into this world by Your mother, the virgin Mary, a product of the spoken word of God, You became God in the flesh, You conquered sin and death. Jesus, You showed us what the greatest love is when You obediently submittedRead the rest of this page »

“Extreme” Levels of Roundup Detected in Food—Are You Eating This Toxic Contaminant?

By Dr. Mercola In 2009, a French court found Monsanto guilty of lying; falsely advertising itsRoundup herbicide as “biodegradable,” “environmentally friendly” and claiming it “left the soil clean.” We’re now starting to understand just how false such statements are. For example, last summer, a groundbreaking study revealed a previously unknown mechanism of harm from glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup. The research showedRead the rest of this page »

The Beginning of Our Walk With God (Part1)

Our walk with God starts with a desire for God and that by faith we believe that He exists, that He is…. Heb.11:6. So we cannot serve God if we do not think that He exist. Ezekiel 18:25-32 sets the stage for repentance and a new life with God. Acts 2:38 suggest that we are all to repent and beRead the rest of this page »

Doing God`s Will... Living by His Word.