Pressures Within and Without

Paul spoke many times in the scriptures about the things of the flesh and the warring against them. These are sometimes extremely difficult to deal with and the enemy knows how to effectively use them against us, how to build the pressures from within. So the greater the degree of control we have and the more we use our will to put the flesh under subjection, then the lest susceptible we will be.
When a man is extremely hungry, it is difficult to speak to him about God unless you first relieve the hunger. It is one of the reason why Jesus tells us in the word that if our brother is hungry we must feed him, or if he is naked we must clothe him. You see, by showing love we are then able to reach persons.
The gods of this world have so blinded our eyes that we are able to send more persons and their families to suffer by putting them out of a job and justifying it by showing the savings to the country. The pressures that are building out there are extreme. One of the ways of easing the pressure is by providing more jobs so that persons can build their lives and not seek to take it.
One man was given a tax write off recently of over J$ 280,000,000.00!
What has been the cost to our country (tax payers) for our politics? The dons, the trading of guns and drugs, the cost of the constant warring, the corruption??
Father, I ask now in the name of Jesus, that you expose and correct the wrongs in our country at every level, but especially at the leadership level. That you will heal us of the selfishness and greed in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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