The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

From as far as I can remember, persons have often suggested that in the story of Adam and Eve, the reference of them both eating the forbidden fruit, was speaking to Adam and Eve having sex. My question is therefore, if the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was representative of Adam and Eve having sex then what was the tree of life representing? Gen.2:9. I will suggest that since Eve ate the fruit first and then gave to Adam to eat, that this could not have been sex as they both did not eat at the same time.Gen 3:6.
In Gen 2:8-9 the Lord God planted a garden on the eastern side of Eden and out of the ground He made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. So these were actually fruit bearing trees and had nothing to do with sex.
Originally, man was not created by God with any intention for man to die (Gen 2:17), and in fact man could have eaten of the tree of life and live forever at that point. Having committed the first sin (that of eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil). God had to keep man away from the tree of life so He could redeem man before eternity arrives Gen 3:22-24.
Lord help us to listen, to hear and to believe, in Jesus Christ’s name, amen.

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