Can God Find a Place in His Temple?

With the coming of Jesus Christ, there was a shift from the physical to more of the spiritual. God continues to use the physical things to instruct us in the spiritual things.
Why is there no more need for the ark of God, which contained manna, Aaron’s rod and the tablets with the ten commandments?
God has written His words on our hearts and has allowed us all to have our own testimonies. God is now using our bodies as temples, which has to be kept clean and in good order like the physical temples of old. The more we keep our bodies as temples onto God, then the greater the pleasure God has to dwell therein.
Father we thank you for another day and we pray that we will see a bit of your glory. Father we thank you for your people across this land in Jesus’ name. Father we continue to stand in your word and on your promises. Amen.

One Comment to Can God Find a Place in His Temple?

  1. Tajhia says:

    God is good…and His mercies endureth forever…

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